
Announcements are audio messages left on Fracture, Pearl and Split to give context to the map.

Location Transcription Audio
PORTAL "This facility maintains a level 5 security clearance. Estas instalaciones exigen autorización de seguridad nivel 5."
PORTAL "Central Administration requests prompt check-in after passing portal threshold. Thank you."
PORTAL "If you see yourself on-site, report to Central Administration immediately. Simultaneous shift are prohibited."
PORTAL "Items lost during portal crossing must be logged with Central Administration."
PORTAL "Inbound personnel experiencing nausea or disorientation please report to Facility Medical."
PORTAL "Thank you for your work at Everett-Linde. Have a great day."
PORTAL "Keep your arms tightly at your sides when entering the portal threshold. Mantenga los brazos firmamente a sus costados al cruzar el umbral del portal."
PORTAL "Welcome to Everett-Linde. Bienvenidos a Everett-Linde."
PORTAL "The portal will be offline for maintenance on October 17th. Pending travel must be rescheduled."
PORTAL "No personal devices are permitted on facility grounds. Los dispositivos personales en estas instalaciones están prohibidos."
PORTAL "Please, have your ID ready when approaching checkpoint. Por favor, tenga en la mano su identificación al llegar al punto de control."
PORTAL "Your tireless efforts in this facility can rebuild our future. Su diligencia y esfuerzo en estas instalaciones pueden reconstruir nuestro futuro."
SECURITY "All personel managing today's LRC test must wear tier 9 protective equipment."
SECURITY "Fraternization between Kingdom Corp. and Kingdom Industries personnel is strictly prohibited."
SECURITY "Warning: Power may fluctuate during today's Large Radian Collider test. Please plan accordingly."
SECURITY "Warning: Vincent Fabron is no longer permitted on facility grounds. Any persons resembling Fabron must be reported."
SECURITY "Updated biometrics are required for all personnel next month. Todo el personal deberá actualizar su información biométrica el mes entrante."
SECURITY "Help keep our facility clean and eat at designated break areas. Ayúdenos a mantener limpias nuestras instalaciones. Consuma sus alimentos en las areas designadas."
SECURITY "Breakroom refrigerators are cleaned Mondays at 4PM. Kingdom is not responsible for discarded items."
SECURITY "Failure to comply with facility regulations may result in injury, or death, or nullification."
SECURITY "Dr. Santos, you have a message from Lisbon Station at Central TC. Dr. Santos to Central TC."
SECURITY "There are 0 birthdays scheduled this week. Happy birthday to our hard working personnel!"
SECURITY "Unregistered persons on facility ground will be removed. Lethal force has been authorised."
SECURITY "Report any suspicious behaviour to K-SEC. Reporte cualquier comportamiento sospechoso a K-SEC."
SECURITY "Please remember to log all observable reality distortions at the nearest facility terminal."
SECURITY "If you believe you have been exposed to excess Radianite, report to Facility Medical immediately."
SECURITY "The security of this facility is your responsibility. La seguridad de estas instalaciones es su responsabilidad."
SECURITY "Reminder: all facility data is classified. Recuerde: toda la información en estas instalaciones es clasificada."
SECURITY "Chief Engineer Thomas Poe has been confirmed missing. Personnel familiar with Poe must report to K-SEC."
SECURITY "Security protocol has been elevated to level 7 for today's LRC test."
SECURITY "Oran McEneff and Rúben Pontes, please report to Human Resources. McEneff and Pontes to Human Resources."
SECURITY "Paul Delmann, your shipment from S22 Icebox is ready for pickup. Paul Delmann, your shipment from Icebox is ready for pickup."
SECURITY "Alert: foreign matter detected in Radian Collider."
Location Transcription Audio
AMPHITHEATRE Original: "A série de colóquios da Arena Aquário apresenta uma noite de homenagem aos heróis que salvaram a nossa cidade e que servem o nosso mundo. Entrada livre."
Translated: "A series of colloquiums in the Aquarium Arena presents an evening of homage to the heroes who saved our city and who serve our world. Free entry."
AMPHITHEATRE Original: "Acompanha todas as notícias sobre os próximos torneios de esports na nossa tela Arena."
Translated: "Keep up with all the news about upcoming esports tournaments on our Arena screen."
AMPHITHEATRE Original: "Entre no aquário para o evento de 'Radiância Revelada', uma celebração de dois dias de tudo que é Radiante, de música a gastronomia e arte. Será um fim de semana que não se esquecerá tão cedo."
Translated: "Enter the aquarium for the event of 'Radiance Revealed', a two-day celebration of everything Radiant, from music to food and art. It will be a weekend that you will not soon forget."
AMPHITHEATRE Original: "Já se encontram à venda bilhetes para o Festival de Fado do Aquário. Compre o seu ainda hoje."
Translated: "Tickets for the Aquarium Fado Festival are now on sale. Buy yours today."
AMPHITHEATRE Original: "A pedido público, as noites subaquáticas estão de volta ao Aquário. Junte-se a nós para assistir a um espetáculo de luzes das profundezas e ver o oceano como nunca o viu."
Translated: "By public request, underwater nights are back at the Aquarium. Join us to watch a light show from the depths and see the ocean like you've never seen."
AMPHITHEATRE Original: "Traga toda a família à grande onda do aquário em que abrimos a cúpula e deixamos que chova no primeiro sábado de cada mês, das doze horas às catorze horas."
Translated: "Bring the whole family to the big wave of the aquarium where we open the dome and let it rain on the first Saturday of every month from 12:00 to 14:00."
AMPHITHEATRE Original: "O concerto solidário de auxílio à realidade para esta semana está esgotado, mas estão a ser agendados mais espetáculos. As novas datas serão publicadas no nosso calendário de eventos."
Translated: "The solidarity concert to help reality for this week is sold out, but more shows are being scheduled. New dates will be published on our events calendar."
AMPHITHEATRE Original: "Prepara-te para o maior dia do calendário de qualquer herói, o Dia da Falcon, com apresentações de filmes, artigos de edições limitadas e painéis com convidados especiais que não vais querer perder."
Translated: "Prepare for the biggest day on any hero's calendar, Valcon Day, with movie screenings, limited editions products and panels with special guests you won't want to miss."
CATHEDRAL Original: "A Kingdom Industries está a contratar trabalhadores para a estabilização da realidade. Dá-se preferência a quem já tenha experiência no manuseamento de radianite. Candidate-se hoje."
Translated: "Kingdom Industries is hiring workers for the reality stabilization. Preference is given to those who already have experience in the handling of radianite. Apply today."
CATHEDRAL Original: "Devido à escassez de radianite, o período de obras foi prolongado. Os planos atualizados de reabertura do local podem ser consultados no nosso site."
Translated: "Due to the scarcity of radianite, the period of works was extended. Updated site reopening plans can be viewed on our website."
CATHEDRAL Original: "Aviso. Está a entrar numa zona com registos de perturbações à realidade. Preste atenção ao que o rodeia."
Translated: "Warning. You are entering an area with records of disturbances to reality. Pay attention to your surroundings."
CATHEDRAL Original: "Esta zona encontra-se encerrada para obras. Agradecemos a sua compreensão enquanto nos empenhamos a restaurar este local histórico."
Translated: "This area is closed for works. We appreciate your understanding as we work to restore this historical site."
CATHEDRAL Original: "Os trabalhadores no local não se podem afastar mais de 3 metros do seu parceiro designado. O protocolo de segurança para a oscilação da realidade está definido no manual de normas."
Translated: "On-site workers cannot move more than 3 meters away from their designated partner. The safety protocol for reality oscillation is defined in the standards manual."
CATHEDRAL Original: "A variação destabilizadora da realidade de hoje recebeu um nível de ameaça... Laranja. Tenha isso em consideração nos seus planos."
Translated: "Today's destabilizing variation of reality has been given a... Orange, threat level. Take this into account in your plans."
CATHEDRAL Original: "Este projeto de restauração da realidade é patrocinado pela Kingdom Industries. O seu futuro está seguro."
Translated: "This reality restoration project is sponsored by Kingdom Industries. Your future is secure."
CATHEDRAL Original: "Podemos superar os perigos da neglicência da ameaça Alpha. Visite o nosso site para ver o que a Kingdom Industries está a fazer para preservar o nosso legado e o nosso lar."
Translated: "We can overcome the dangers from the neglect of the Alpha threat. Visit our website to see what Kingdom Industries is doing to preserve our legacy and our home."
CATHEDRAL Original: "Todos os recém-contratados do projeto devem falar com o Paul Dellman, o gestor do local, para preencherem os seus formulários de admissão."
Translated: "All new hires on the project must speak with Paul Delmann, the site manager, to complete their admissions forms."
GARDEN Original: "Estão disponíveis na nossa aplicação visitas com audio-guia para o Jardim dos Heróis. Faça-as gratuitamente através do seu dispositivo pessoal."
Translated: "Visits with audio guides to the Garden of Heroes are available in our app. Do them for free via your personal device."
GARDEN Original: "Junte-se a nós, hoje ao pôr-do-sol, para acender uma vela no memorial da chama eterna."
Translated: "Join us today at sunset to light a candle at the memorial of the eternal flame."
GARDEN Original: "Vá ao memorial da guerreira do vento, no Jardim dos Heróis. Conheça a sua imparável batalha dos elementos, vento contra água, travada aqui, nas ruas da nossa cidade."
Translated: "Go to the Wind Warrior's memorial in the Garden of Heroes. Discover her unstoppable battle of the elements, wind against water, fought here, on the streets of our city."
GARDEN Original: "Apresentamos a nossa nova série de palestras, 'Monstro Redimido'. Ouça testemunhos em primeira mão daqueles cujas vidas foram salvas pelo mais enigmático agente da legião."
Translated: "Introducing our new lecture series, 'Monster Redeemed'. Hear first-hand testimonies from those whose lives were saved by the legion's most enigmatic agent."
GARDEN Original: "Tem alguma questão sobre o Jardim dos Heróis? Os nossos guias estão dispostos a ajudar."
Translated: "Do you have a question about the Garden of Heroes? Our guides are willing to help."
GARDEN Original: "Visite no Jardim dos Heróis o memorial da espada e do escudo, dedicado àquela que conteve a maré e que serviu de inspiração para a cúpula que agora nos protege a todos."
Translated: "Visit the sword and shield memorial in the Garden of Heroes, dedicated to the one ['the one' being a singular female character] who held back the tide and inspired the dome that now protects us all."
GARDEN Original: "Agradecemos a sua visita ao Jardim dos Heróis, criado em honra dos corajosos heróis que salvaram a nossa cidade e que continuam a proteger o nosso mundo da ameaça da terra Alpha."
Translated: "Thank you for visiting the Garden of Heroes, created in honor of the brave heroes who saved our city and who continue to protect our world from the threat of Earth Alpha."
GARDEN Original: "O Jardim dos Heróis está aberto ao público todos os dias: dias úteis, das 08:00 às 21:00, e fins de semana das 11:00 à meia-noite."
Translated: "The Garden of Heroes is open to the public every day: weekdays, from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm, and weekends from 11:00 am to midnight."
GARDEN Original: "100% das doações feitas ao Jardim dos Heróis destinam-se a apoiar os esforços para conter a emergente tempestade de realidades na Índia. Agradecemos a sua generosidade."
Translated: "100% of donations made to the Garden of Heroes are intended to support efforts to contain India's emerging storm of realities. We appreciate your generosity."
MUSEUM Original: "Agradecemos a sua visita ao museu do multiverso. Descubra os mistérios do nosso mundo e de mundos mais além."
Translated: "Thank you for visiting the multiverse museum. Discover the mysteries of our world and worlds beyond."
MUSEUM Original: "A exposição 'Maravilhas Tecnológicas' encerra daqui a 15 minutos. Agradecemos a atenção."
Translated: "The exhibition 'Technological Wonders' closes in 15 minutes. Thank you for your attention."
MUSEUM Original: "A exposição 'Viagens Multidimensionais' é uma experiência imperdível. Redescubra a nossa histórica jornada à Terra Alpha desde as primeiras descobertas até às expedições mais recentes."
Translated: "The exhibition 'Multidimensional Journeys' is an unmissable experience. Rediscover our historic journey to Alpha Earth from the first discoveries to the most recent expeditions."
MUSEUM Original: "É com prazer que anunciamos que os globos de purpurina da geocúpula estão novamente em stock e disponíveis para compra na loja de recordações no museu."
Translated: "We are pleased to announce that the Geodome glitter globes are back in stock and available for purchase from the gift shop in the museum."
MUSEUM Original: "A exposição 'Dia do Santuário' está agora aberta. Diriga-se ao átrio da descoberta e desvenda as incríveis origens da nossa cidade, uma maravilha debaixo das ondas."
Translated: "The 'Sanctuary Day' exhibition is now open. Head to the Discovery Atrium and discover the incredible origins of our city, a wonder beneath the waves."
MUSEUM Original: "A próxima exibição do Cinema da Descoberta está prestes a começar. Junte-se a nós para uma envolvente viagem de 15 minutos aos mistérios do multiverso."
Translated: "The next screening of Discovery Cinema is about to begin. Join us for an immersive 15-minute journey into the mysteries of the multiverse."
MUSEUM Original: "Pedimos à senhora Aurora Pontes o favor de se dirigir ao balcão da receção de forma a reaver um objeto perdido. Agradecemos à atenção."
Translated: "We ask Aurora Pontes to please go to the reception desk in order to retrieve a lost object. Thank you for your attention."
MUSEUM Original: "Procure mais diversão multiversada? A galeria 'Ameaça Alpha' é atualizada semanalmente com novas descobertas sobre a nossa realidade rival. Obtenha um passe anual e visite-nos sempre que quiser."
Translated: "Looking for more multiversed fun? The 'Alpha Threat' gallery is updated weekly with new discoveries about our rival reality. Get an annual pass and visit us whenever you want."
MUSEUM Original: "Passe pelo palco da ciência para assistir a uma demonstração ao vivo de policarbonato de radianite, o incrível material que constitui a nossa cúpula protetora."
Translated: "Visit the science stage for a live demonstration of radianite polycarbonate, the amazing material that makes up our protective dome."
MUSEUM Original: "A gravidade das alterações climáticas transformou permanentemente o nosso mundo. Descubra as lições que aprendemos demasiado tarde e as inovações que agora definem a nossa realidade."
Translated: "The severity of climate change has permanently transformed our world. Discover the lessons we learned too late and the innovations that now define our reality."
TRAIN Original: "O vaivém com ligação à superfície aproxima-se à plataforma 1. Os passageiros sensíveis a alterações de pressão barométrica poderão sentir algum desconforto durante a subida."
Translated: "The surface-connected shuttle approaches platform 1. Passengers sensitive to changes in barometric pressure may experience some discomfort during ascent."
TRAIN Original: "Isto é um comunicado especial da Atlas. A segurança dimensional é para si um motivo de preocupação? Aprenda a identificar intrusos Alpha para proteger o nosso mundo."
Translated: "This is a special communicate from Atlas. Is dimensional security a cause for concern for you? Learn to identify Alpha intruders to protect our world."
TRAIN Original: "Damos-lhes as boas vindas ao terminal ferroviário do bairro da pérola. Quer esteja só de visita por hoje, quer considere a cúpula o seu lar, sabemos que vai gostar desta pérola do oceano."
Translated: "We welcome you to the Pearl district railway terminal. Whether you're just visiting for today or consider the dome your home, we know you'll love this pearl of the ocean."
TRAIN Original: "Alerta de segurança. As autoridades procuram um intruso Alpha Oran McEneff. Qualquer avistamento de Oran Alpha deve ser imediatamente comunicado à Atlas."
Translated: "Security Alert. Authorities are looking for an Alpha Oran McEneff intruder. Any sighting of Oran Alpha must be reported to Atlas immediately."
TRAIN Original: "Um aviso de subida da maré está em efeito até amanhã ao meio dia. Esperam-se atrasos."
Translated: "A rising tide warning is in effect until tomorrow at noon. Delays are expected."
TRAIN Original: "Pedimos a todo o pessoal da manutenção que se dirija à plataforma 2 para uma compensão de inundações de rotina. Pessoal da manutenção chamado à plataforma 2."
Translated: "We ask all maintenance personnel to go to platform 2 for routine flood compensation. Maintenance personnel called to platform 2."
Location Transcription Audio
TRAIN STATION Original: "まもなく、3番線からキングダム ギフトショップ行きが発車します。"
Translation: "The train bound for the KINGDOM gift shop will depart from platform 3 shortly."
TRAIN STATION Original: "まもなく、2番線にキングダム 管理部行きが参ります。"
Translation: "The train bound for KINGDOM management will arrive to platform 2 shortly."
TRAIN STATION Original: "身の回りはいつも清潔にしましょう。"
Translation: "Keep your surroundings clean."
TRAIN STATION Original: "キングダムの社員は右を、市民の方は左の出口をご利用ください。"
Translation: "Please use the right exit for KINGDOM employees and the left exit for citizens."
TRAIN STATION Original: "キングダム ビジネスセンター行きへのお乗り換えはこちらです。"
Translation: "Please change here for the KINGDOM business center."
TRAIN STATION Original: "人類の今と未来、支えるのはレディアナイト。"
Translation: "Radianite will support present and future of humanity."
TRAIN STATION Original: "お知らせします。中央キャンパスのレディアナイト漏れは先ほど収束しました。ご協力ありがとうございました。"
Translation: "Attention please. The Radianite leakage in the central campus has been suppressed. Thank you for your cooperation."
TRAIN STATION Original: "キングダム販売部行きは3番線に代わり、2番線から発車します。"
"The train bound for the KINGDOM sales department will depart from platform 2 instead of platform 3."
TRAIN STATION Original: "人類のこれからを見据えるキングダムは、いつもあなたのそばに。"
Translation: "KINGDOM that looks ahead to the future of humanity is always beside you."
TRAIN STATION Original: "お客様第一を徹底しましょう。"
Translation: "Remember to put our clients first."
TRAIN STATION Original: "新入社員の皆さんは、管理部で手続きを行ってください。"
Translation: "New employees should complete the procedure in the management department."
TRAIN STATION Original: "ようこそキングダムへ。実りある一日をお過ごしください。"
Translation: "Welcome to KINGDOM. Please have a productive day."
TRAIN STATION Original: "構内では一部工事中です。ご迷惑をおかけしますが、世界の未来のためご協力ください。"
Translation: "A part of the premises is under construction. We apologise for the inconvenience, but please cooperate/understand for the future of the world."
TRAIN STATION Original: "まもなく、1番線にキングダム 研究施設行きが参ります。"
Translation: "The train bound for the KINGDOM research facility will arrive to platform 1 shortly."
Location Transcription Audio
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Kingdom does not compensate for hours spent between dimensions. Please be mindful of your surroundings when approaching a rift."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Radianite handled in our facility is in flux-state and considered to be highly volatile. Use only approved flux-grade gloves when in contact with radianite."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Our employee safety team would like to reiterate that the thematic "radianite cookies" being served in the cafetaria do not actually contain radianite of any kind."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Supervisor Griffin, your presence is requested in executive conference room 4 Ki."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "We are actively investigating a theft of proprietary material. Suspect is believed to be male in his early 20s with short hair. Anyone with information please contact our investigation team."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "To all researchers, Dr. Sabine Callas no longer works for Kingdom and her legacy logs remain sealed. Please adhere to the clearance request moratorium on this documentation."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Radivore containment units and loading bin 9 are ready for delivery to our transportation hub. All staff with level 6 clearance please immediately report to the loading bay."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Overtime pay has been doubled for the duration of Project Landfall. Free coffee and energy drinks are available in break rooms."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "In the event of an emergency, all teams must support our radivore containment division in securing our research subjects. This is considered top priority."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "For your safety, any employee suspected of excess radianite exposure will be subject to physical examination by on-site medicals. Thank you."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Employees stationed in ?? wings level B1 and B2 are to follow strict decontamination procedures upon exiting the wing. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "We will be hosting a cross-departmental mixer for all on-site teams, RSVP through your direct manager."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Unless specially authorized, no staff are permitted to give any statements to members of the press. For specific inquiries, please reach out to our press outreach team."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "This is a special message for our employees working overtime. We value your hard work. Every hour spent opens a new horizon."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "To all radivore containment staff, subject ZN35 remains unaccounted for in the Dirac wing. This entity can disguise itself as any flora. Please remove all plants from your workspaces until it is recovered."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Please remember to encrypt all files before leaving your facility. At Kingdom West, our information is as vital as our employees."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Please note that only Project Landfall staff with level 5 security clearance are allowed in the into the ?? wing. Anyone found violating this policy will be terminated."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Welcome to Kingdom West Los Angeles. Have a wonderful day."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "To all staff, our memorial for Anton Dorsey will begin shortly. Please join us in honoring the life and sacrifice of our friend and colleague."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Dr. Olloman, your sample of the X011 anomaly is ready for pickup from the volatile substances room."
FACILITY // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Reminder, radivores do not follow observable rules of Earth physics, please be mindful when handled."
FACILITY // WARNINGS "Interverse breach detected. All security staff with level 6 clearance report immediately to levels 1, B1 and B2."
FACILITY // WARNINGS "Facility wide security protocol escalated to level 6. Please remain calm and follow all steps outlined in our emergency procedures handbook."
FACILITY // WARNINGS "Hub integrity compromised. Backup repair systems failed. Begin emergency shutdown in T minus 2 minutes."
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "There's this new food truck called On The Low that's been blowing up for good reasons! Their tacos are to die for! I just need to know why they're so hard to track down, it's just like they don't want our business!"
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL *Jingle Heatwave 94.5* "Wassup, wassup, Los Angeles! This your girl Nina Cruz coming at you live from our studios in the heart of LA, we out here! And if you're out here too you know that things have been kinda crazy lately, so here's a lowdown."
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "Look, I get it, there's no doubt Kingdom's clean energy thing has totally changed the world. I mean, my whole crib is running on it. The tech is sexy, it's easy to use and it's literally saving the planet."
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "And we are back! Nina Cruz getting you through the next hour! Man, it sounds like a warzone outside! I can hear helicopters through my headphones. Tony? Tony what is going on out there?"
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL *Jingle Heatwave 94.5* "Wassup, wassup, this is Nina Cruz and I wanna know what's happening in your life? Doing anything fun this summer? Anyone special you wanna whisper sweet nothings to on the radio? Our lines are opened, call me!"
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "You know that we have the First-Light anniversary coming up? The blackout that changed everything! We wanna know, where were you when it happened? This is Heatwave 94.5, call us and share your story for a chance to win."
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "Listen up mi gente, you are all the heart and soul of all we do at 94.5 and we are here for you. If you are affected with today's displacement please call us and we will hook you up with what you need."
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "Okay vale, I rambled enough and I wanna hear from you all. What do you all think of Kingdom? Earth's guardian angel or another solace megacorp? We're taking calls for the next 30 so come on hit us up!" *Jingle Heatwave 94.5*
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "Who's idea was it to put an industrial site in an area with kids and families? Accidents like these always happen and it's never just one place that gets affected. These are total hazards, you know?"
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "So, our engineer, Tony says there are helicopters all around the Kingdom West facility in east LA, that entire neighborhood was evacuated earlier today and they were told that it was standard precaution for on-site disturbance."
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL *Jingle Heatwave 94.5* "You are listening to Cruz control with Nina Cruz, better than a cup of coffee! I do know some of you are heading home from work, right now, feeling a little low energy but trust me, Nina Cruz has got what you need."
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "So get this, I saw this post today from a guy that said to watch out for these elfish animals he saw in the neighborhood. He said that they look like, and I quote, armadillos with feathers. *Laughs* Seriously? What is going on in LA?"
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "We've seen this a hundred times over. Big company like Kingdom moves into a small neighborhood, starts buying up land, expanding, pushing people out! It's not like community means much to big business. But this este barrio, es nuestro barrio. Me entiendes?"
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "If we're talking about First-Light, I remember I was at the asian grocery when it happened. I was getting stuff to make Bánh mì When everything went dark. I was mostly confused though. I was just trying to find the veggie aisle."
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "Sorry but what is standard about kicking people out of their homes, I thought Esto no esta bien, I'm from here, we grew up with earthquakes drills, not once were we asked to pack our bags."
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "And now this doesn't change a thing but their CEO is kinda fiiiiiine. Not gonna lie. Don't roll your eyes at me, Tony. You know the glass is see-through, right?"
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "I mean, just as long as Kingdom leaves that noodle shop next door alone. Ya. You know, the vietnamese one, right? Their phô smacks. Ugh. Tony, I know you feel me. We grab lunch today, just us today."
RADIO HOST // BASKETBALL "Hola, hola, LA! Hope you got a turn up this past week-end and now it's back to reality! Coming up we're giving away tickets to see Sky Smoke live at the Kingdom Arena Downtown! I'll be there, so listen for a chance to win!" *Jingle Heatwave 94.5*
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "When I'm not making you all laugh, you cry here on Cruz Control! You know what I like to do? Get these glutes in gear baby! And when you like to sweat, there's no better place to go than Spin To Win! Let's get that body you deserve!"
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "Nina Cruz here and I wanna give a special shoutout to our friends at New Heights Recreation Center! They're offering summer camps programs for kids in the community, let's get kids off the screens and back on the playground."
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "If you were one of those radiants with the special powers, what powers would you want? I mean, me, I'd wanna walk through walls because I'm always leaving my keys at the studio. *Laughs* Tony knows."
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "You being salty isn't an excuse for other people to be cruel, you know. So if you're in the area and you see people evacuating the Kingdom Facility, don't harass them! Accidents happen mi gente! And they're also people, right?"
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "I got a few very special local guests talking to me in light of what happens in East LA. My first is a veterinarian and mother of 1, living right next to Kingdom West. Senorella Dellafuente, tell us how this is incident has impacted your family."
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "So get this: a huge sinkhole has opened up in the middle of Kingdom's parking lot! A couple of us tried to get a look inside but they're not letting anyone even in the air get close! I hope everyone got out okay..."
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "I know it's not easy being a radiant! One of my sister's kids is and he's always in and out of the principal's office for something! It's not his fault, that's gotta be hard!"
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "Anyone hear those rumors about radiants with like... Stronger powers? Sounds pretty cool, right? What rumors have you heard? Call in yo quiero saberlo." *Jingle Heatwave 94.5*
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "Giving a special shout-out to Jerry from Towny from his fiancé Anna! Jerry, she says, you mean the world to me, I love you and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Aww. I want someone to talk to me like that."
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "You will not believe the morning I've had. I was almost late to the studio, but I wasn't Tony, when I got stuck behind this whole line of Kingdom convoy trucks that headed out of East LA. Heavy duty. They must be packing serious heat in there or something."
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "You're listening to Heatwave 94.5 with Nina Cruz. Has this weather been perfect lately or what? I mean I know you all know this but we really live in the best city on Earth. Traffic? The Santa Anas? Heh. That's just the price you pay for good Cali vibes baby."
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "Cruz Control is brought to you by Hurm Burger! When you're craving freshly grilled beef made from real cows, covered in sizzling cheese and all kinds of condiments? You gotta hit up Hurm Burger, Kick hunger to the curb."
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "Alright, caller number 8, you are a lucky winner with 2 tickets to "Sky Smoke"! You're live on the air, tell us how you feel. I think we lost them, Tony. You're listening to Heatwave 94.5, LA's number 1 hip hop station." *Jingle Heatwave 94.5*
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "I know I'm showing my age here, but who remembers the last time we had to pay a gas bill? And it used to cost so much as to keep the lights on! Now I pay almost nothing for energy! It's crazy how much things have changed."
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "This is Nina Cruz! Shout out to our extra special listener Graciela from Signal-Hill from her friends Logan and Dre, she's turning 24 today! Happy birthday, baby girl! This next song is for you.""
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "Okay so I'm told Kingdom has just issued a statement about Kingdom West saying that they are deeply sorry for how this has impacted the surrounding area they also said they are working with the community organizers to get people back to their homes asap."
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "Have you been recently hurt in an on-site accident? Is your boss refusing to pay up? Then you got to talk to my friends at More and sons, they will help you get the money you deserve! What are you waiting for?"
RADIO HOST // RESTAURANT "Who's ready for this week to be over? Let's gooo! You're listening to Cruz Control with Nina Cruz! I got some very special guest joining us today, plus we're giving away 2 round trip flights to Las Vegas, come on! Who's feeling lucky?" *Jingle Heatwave 94.5*
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Reminder, all loading dock workers must complete the mandatory training for radivore containment before your probation period is complete."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "In the unlikely event of a container breach, please remain calm. Secure all doors and alert security staff immediately."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Reminder, radivore containment unit must be inspected for integrity every 12 hours."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Shipping convoy scheduled for 5:25PM departure is ready for loading."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "All shipments marked for international delivery code 009 must be reinspected and signed upon by an operations manager before loading."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Please note that today's delivery to loading dock 2 is behind schedule by an estimated 20 minutes."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Please note that all shipments from Svalbard have been postponed indefinitely. We will notify you should anything change."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Paul Delmann, your hamburger food delivery is being held at the east security gate."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "For the reminder of the month, lunch hours have been extended so that all employees can enjoy our on-site food trucks. Trucks will be opened from 11:30AM through 2PM."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "An active investigation is under way for theft of Kingdom West property. Suspect is in his mid-20s male with short hair. We will compensate any transportation staff that can provide information about this theft."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Many shipments in our facility contain living cargo. If you have questions or concerns about what you're handling, please contact our facility director."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "On behalf of Kingdom we thank you for your hard work and discretion. Your contribution helps us power our world and understand that which lies beyond."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "All transportation staff report to loading dock 1, 3 and 4 for immediate container unloading. Shipping convoys and loading dock 2 remain on standby."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Civilians are not permitted near our transportation hub. Please report any incursion to security staff."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "All transportation staff are supplied with one set of hazmat grade D suit for high security transports. Register all protective gear at your work station on entering and exiting this hub."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "Employees caught breaching or attempting to breach any containment units will be terminated immediately."
TRANSPORTATION // ANNOUNCEMENTS "If you see any flora or fauna that are brightly colored, moving unusually or otherwise suspicious in behavior or appearance, please alert your operations manager at once."
TRANSPORTATION // WARNINGS "Warning, Kingdom West security protocol escalated to level 6. Please remain calm and await further instruction."
TRANSPORTATION // WARNINGS "Warning, emergency data wipe in progress. Please power down all devices and manually remove connecting hardware."
TRANSPORTATION // WARNINGS "All staff must immediately cease all operations, remove all proprietary equipment and calmly evacuate to the nearest public intersection."