Context Transcription Audio
Match voicelines
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"They have no idea how heartless I am."

Match start

"These enemies have nothing special. Still human. Still mortal."

Match start

"I will drain the life from our prey. That's all they're good for."

Match start

"I have lied, beaten, killed to survive. I will kill again and again if it means one more day."

Match start

"It doesn't matter what this place used to be. Now it's just another graveyard."

Match start

"Ah. What hope do this criaturas have? I almost pity them."
("criaturas" means "creatures".)

Match start

"Are those our enemies? Ah. These won't take long."

Match start

"I've stood over so many corpses. A few more does not matter."

Match start with allied Radiant

"Today is a gift to radiants. We're finally free to use our power."

Match start with allied Human

"Oh? Do you little machines need help? Take your time. We Radiantes will start without you."

Match start on Ascent

"Oh. This poor place, it clings to life. A city after my own heart."

Match start on Sunset

"Kingdom bleeds our planet once again. Sigh Too many scars to count."

Match start, as Attacker

"As many souls as it takes, Lucia, te lo juro."
("Te lo juro" means "I promise".)

Match start, as Defender

Sigh "Today the meal came to me. Óptimo."
("Óptimo" means "Optimal".)

Match win

"They stopped breathing? Excellent. Then we're done."

Match win

"Somehow, the hunger always lingers."

Match win

"I thought they'd have more to offer. How foolish of me."

Match win

"Someone else will cleanup. I don't take out the trash."

Match win, as MVP

"If I act superior, it's because I am."

Match win, as MVP

"What can I say? When I want something, I take it."

Match win on Icebox

"I was not meant for this climate. Let's go."

Match win (Ult)

"Somehow, the hunger always lingers."

Match win (Ult)

"They stopped breathing? Excellent. Then we're done."

Match win (Ult)

"Someone else will cleanup. I don't take out the trash."

Match win (Ult)

"I thought they'd have more to offer. How foolish of me."

Match win (Ult)

Laughs "This is who I was meant to be."

Match win, as MVP (Ult)

"What can I say? When I want something, I take it."

Match win, as MVP (Ult)

"If I act superior, it's because I am."

Match win on Icebox (Ult)

"I was not meant for this climate. Let's go."

Interactions voicelines
Commend to allied Breach

"I like the way you work, Breach. Violento. Me gusta."
("Violento" means "violent" and "Me gusta" means "I like it".)

Kill enemy Breach

"Breach killed."

Kill enemy Breach (Ult)

"Breach killed."

Barrier going down with enemy Brimstone

"I'll show that Brimstone true power."

Match start with allied Brimstone

"Brimstone, if you must lead, then lead well. Where do we go?"

Match start with enemy Brimstone

"If that Brimstone is like ours, he's not going to quit. Let's make him retire, shall we?"

Match start with enemy Brimstone

Sigh "I can't deal with the morally of yet another Brimstone. The Hipocresía. I'll silence him." ("Hipocresía" means "Hypocrisy".)

Chat: Reyna talking to Chamber

"The Sanctuary is grateful for your support, Chamber. But do not expect any favors."

Kill enemy Cypher

"Cypher buried."

Match start with allied Cypher

"I don't like your toys, Cypher. Don't spy on me."

Kill enemy Cypher (Ult)

"Cypher buried."

Match start with enemy Fade

"Their Fade will need to be creative, I already live my nightmare."

Barrier going down with allied Gekko

"Con cuidado, Gekko."
("Con cuidado" means "be cautious/be careful".)

Chat: Reyna replying to Gekko

"Sorry, cariño, you remind me of someone."

Commend to allied Gekko

"Bien hecho Gekko laughs, ustedes también chiquititos."
("Bien hecho" means "Well done", ustedes también chiquititos" means "you too little ones".)

Match start with allied Gekko

"Escúchame, Gekko. I am with you. No tienes que hacer todo solo."
("Escúchame" means "listen to me", "No tienes que hacer todo solo" means "You don't have to do everything alone".)

Round start with allied Gekko

"Gekko, fuerte y feroz. They will not hesitate. You must not either."
("Fuerte y feroz" means "Strong and fierce".)

Barrier going down with allied Jett

"Okay, Jett. Time to fly."

Match start with allied Jett

"Jett, you're very talented. Aim for the neck, easy kill."